Sponsor Form - Fun-Fair-Positive Soccer (FFPS)
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Sponsor Forms

Find a League:
“Children with no soccer experience feel loved and accepted on an FFPS team...”
“I've been coaching with FFPS for 4 years and it's been a really positive experience.”
“The kids are all so wonderful. It was a joy just seeing all of the smiles from week to week!”
“[FFPS is] an atmosphere where the kids can shine without feeling pressure!”
“I LOVE the positive attitude and support that parents are showing their kids in FFPS!”
Cate L.

Business Sponsor and Parent Sponsor Forms

FFPS requires each team in our Fall and Spring Seasons to obtain a sponsor. Sponsors can be either business sponsored (business pays $420) or parent sponsored (self-sponsor a team for $45 per team player). On Picture Day, Sponsor Coordinators should complete one of the Sponsor Forms below:

Some business sponsors may require our W-9 Form for proof of 501(c)3 status

  IRS W-9 Form (Taxpayer ID)