Volunteer List

Spring/Klein Area Volunteer List Fall 2024

FFPS Hotline # 800-828-PLAY (7529)
Training and Support Group
Executive Director Jack Hendrie # 800-828-7529 ext 911 Direct Line: 713-907-4907 jack@ffps.org
Director of Administration Kathlyn Wood # 800-828-7529 ext 912 Direct Line: 713-898-3877 kathlyn@ffps.org
Director of Sponsors Kathy Savell # 800-828-7529 ext 917 kathy@ffps.org
Director of Uniforms Kathy Savell # 800-828-7529 ext 918 kathy@ffps.org
Volunteer List
DescriptionPositionFirst NameHome PhoneCell PhoneEmail
Regional Director Brad  Hamilton 281-832-8768 281-832-8768 brad@ffps.org
Local Hotline # Kathlyn  Wood 713-898-3877 713-898-3877 kathlyn@ffps.org
Registration Director 800-828-7529 ext 403 Kathlyn  Wood 713-898-3877 713-898-3877 kathlyn@ffps.org
Uniform Coordinator Abel  Guzman 832-495-3627 832-495-3627 acguz75@hotmail.com
Sponsor Coordinator Jack  Wood 713-898-3877 281-948-9588 j-a-wood@sbcglobal.net
Fields Coordinator Adrian  Olavide 713-304-1788 713-304-1788 adrianreyes2000@yahoo.com
Asst. Fields Coordinator Jose  Perez 903-749-0282 832-419-8281 joseantontioperez@gmail.com
Team Formation Director Divisions 1 - 10 Abel  Guzman 832-495-3627 832-495-3627 acguz75@hotmail.com
Division 10 Coordinator YOB: 2020-2019 Abel  Guzman 832-495-3627 832-495-3627 acguz75@hotmail.com
Division 9 Coordinator YOB: 2018-2017 Abel  Guzman 832-495-3627 832-495-3627 acguz75@hotmail.com
Division 7 Coordinator YOB: 2016 Abel  Guzman 832-495-3627 832-495-3627 acguz75@hotmail.com
Division 6 Coordinator YOB: 2015 Abel  Guzman 832-495-3627 832-495-3627 acguz75@hotmail.com
Division 4 Coordinator YOB: 2014+ Abel  Guzman 832-495-3627 832-495-3627 acguz75@hotmail.com
Team Manager Director Kathlyn  Wood 713-898-3877 713-898-3877 kathlyn@ffps.org