Parent Clinics - Fun-Fair-Positive Soccer (FFPS)
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Parent Clinics

Find a League:
“Children with no soccer experience feel loved and accepted on an FFPS team...”
“I've been coaching with FFPS for 4 years and it's been a really positive experience.”
“The kids are all so wonderful. It was a joy just seeing all of the smiles from week to week!”
“[FFPS is] an atmosphere where the kids can shine without feeling pressure!”
“I LOVE the positive attitude and support that parents are showing their kids in FFPS!”
Cate L.

Join Us for a FREE Parent Clinic!

Whether you are new to the FFPS soccer program, or it's just time to "refresh", join us for a free parent soccer clinic! At this parent-only clinic, we focus on how to teach players the fun and positive aspects of the game. Our clinics will include short drills to ensure you understand how to conduct a practice and equip you with positive and encouraging remarks to motivate the kids.

We host the clinics in your local area at the following schools and locations:

Check back soon for dates and locations!